Main Wings Assembly

After all the boring rib preparation work the wing is starting to take shape.


First one needs to make a cradle to assist with assembly of the leading edge and tanks:


Then you make a stand and hang the wing skeleton:


Here al the main skins are attached:


My little one keeping a watchful eye on my progress:


The leading edge being assembled in the cradle:


Inside look at the leading edge:


The Leading edge positioned on the wings:


The tank attachment Z-brackets:


The tank being assembled in the cradle:


The tank looking like a pin cushion tanks:


The tanks positioned on the wing.


The wings from another angle:


Nice and tight fit between the Leading Edge and the Tank:


A nifty pen to perform Alodine coatings with


The Leading Edge Ribs and Tank Z plates coated with primer:


The Alodine pen used to coat the areas where the ribs will fit on the inside of the skins:


The leading edge all riveted together.


The Leading Edges on the wing frames


The Bottom skin Clecko'd on


The Bottom Skin Riveted On


View from the other side.