Main Wings Ribs & Riveting them to the Spar
There is a lot of boring work on the wing ribs. The ribs are of the 'worst' pre-manufactured parts you get from Vansaircraft, so they need a lot of attention to get them airworthy. I guess all these ribs get done on the same machine and that machine takes a hammering with the amount of ribs it needs to do.
OK this is what I had to do:
1) First you need to debur the lightening holes in the rib web. They are very rough.
2) Next you have to take off those ugly white stickers depicting the part #. What a pain, since it interferes with bending, deburring and priming.
3) Next you need to bend the rib flanges 90 degrees to the webs all around, you need to do this because they are punched out of sheets and the bend is not 90 degree. If you don't do this your wing skin will not set flat. In the picture below is my bending pliers and set square. 4) You need to debur the flanges.
You need to flute the ribs to get them to lie down flat and straight. In total there are +/- 60 ribs, below you can see the main ribs that goes between the main spar and the rear spar just before the Flaps & Ailerons.
Here is a comparison of what the ribs look like before and after fluting, the ones on the right is nice and straight.
A close up of the fluting pliers.
Here are all the the leading edge ribs, the tank ribs are closest
This feels good, after a lot of work the wing skeleton takes shape.
And the other wing...
I like this funky picture of the lightening holes lining up...
And the Tower of ribs.
Here is the ribs primed and ready to be riveted.
And then finally the ribs get riveted to the wing spars