Fuel Tanks
Start by creating the Tank attachment angles
Here is the tank attachment angle fitted to the nose of the tank rib.
The tank reinforcement plates for the inside of the rib:
Drilling the tank fuel cap flange:
The tank drain valve fitting:
The tank stiffener ring around the inspection hole:
The two tank inboard ribs with the inspection hole ring reinforcements attached:
Making an attachment for the fitting the fuel sender in the second bay for inverted fuel system:
The fuel sender fitting cut out from the above plate:
Countersink the plate:
Align just next to the Z bracket
Mark and drill:
Test fit the fuel sender
Test the flop tube fitting on the nose rib:
The other side of the flop tube fitting:
Position for the Tank Vent and Vapor Return lines:
A close up:
All the tank parts that needed some kind of manufacturing done to them:
Scuff the tank where proseal is going to fit:
The Tank Stiffeners into place
Electrical tape over the areas that you do not want proseal over.
The tank stiffeners prosealed and riveted into place.
A close up of the controlled 'mess'. This proseal stuff is sticky!
The tank in the cradle ready to be riveted.
The Tank Ribs prosealed into place..look a the black line along the ribs
The Tank Fuel sender and float adjusted to the correct levels.
The Standard Fuel Pickup installed next to the fuel sender
The Inverted Fuel flop tube, and the vent and vapor return lines.
The anti hangup brackets and fuel trap door.
The Tanks Closed up,
Rear View of the tanks